Gessaro Hill

Environment · Montenero di Bisaccia

Gessaro Hill is a protected and one of the Molise Region’s Sites of Coummunity Interest (SIC – IT7222212). With an area of ​​664 hectares, the value of the area is determined by the presence of priority habitats and protected species of fauna.

Gessaro Hill identifies an area with chalky formations deposited during the crisis of Messiniano salinity with the closure of the Mediterranean. The area is characterized by the presence of two priority habitats: dry herbaceous formations covered by bushes; calcophilic grassy formations of the Alysso-Sedion albi. This natural vegetation is an important refuge for fauna species such as Hermann’s reptiles and other reptiles, as well as hunting territory for birds of prey such as Poiana, Royal Nibbio, Gheppio and Albanelle.

The geographic position near the sea, the peculiarity of the soil and the climate generate a typical vegetation of Mediterranean environments, identified as sub steppe paths that represent habitats of community interest.


Montenero di Bisaccia - Via Padre Pio

Site is visitable and accessible
Opening time

Always open.

Useful links

Official website