Landscape and cultural
hertitage policies
The existing policies on coastal and fluvial heritage in Molise Region are the following:
Regional Operational Programme 20142020, financed by ERDF in the framework of objective 5.2.1 and 5.1.1. of Axis 5. 5 “Environment, tourism and culture”; the aim of this priority, is to improve the preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage in areas of strategic relevance by enhancing systemic and integrated resources and territorial jurisdictions. The policy instrument intends to promote a process of development for the protection and enhancement of natural and cultural areas of attraction. This measure should be developed to balance the potential negative impact on the coastal landscape from the other priorities of the policy instrument, such as further development of leisure economy and industrialisation of fisheries and aquaculture priorities set out to tackle the economic crisis and the depopulation of the area.
The Energetic and Environmental Plan of Molise Region, that is a guideline document that has the main objective in guiding the Molise Region towards a productive use of energetic resources, but also underline and focalize the attention to reduce the environmental impact in order to preserve the fluvial and coastal heritage of the regional area.
Molise Region is part of the Basin Authority and River Basin District of the South Apennines and the two bodies full transpose the provisions of the Italian Directive about water and fluvial resources , the legislative decree no. 219/2010 and the UE Directive no. 105 concerning the standard to adopt in order to guarantee a quality of the environment and the water and fluvial heritage.
Territorial, environmental and landscape Plan of Molise Region: is a mandatory sectorial plan drawn up by the Region in order to prevent that urban-building interventions spoil the landscape. The administration, following an assessment of a situation as a whole, identifies the coordinated measures, modes of action, objectives, implementation times to intervene on that particular field. At the base of landscape plans is the desire to normalize the relationship of preservation-transformation by identifying a relationship of equivalence and interchangeability between landscape and urban planning plans, aiming at the preservation of landscape and environmental values.