Fauna oasis of Ramitelli Wood

Environment · Campomarino

The Wood of Ramitelli (Bosco di Ramitelli) is a pasture wooded large estate, 1211-ha wide, which begins at the Adriatic coast, near the Termoli-Foggia railway, and ends in the territory of Campomarino, in the hamlet of Ramitelli, near the mouth of the Saccione. The ground, mostly sandy, improves step by step from the north to the south, while the wood density varies all over the area.

The Fauna oasis of Ramitelli Wood, until recently, was rich of valuable game and famous for boars, today disappeared. Ramitelli is accessible by several trails, all with natural ground, which become almost impassable during the cold season. The wood’s entrance at Ponte della Reginella is around 5 km far from Campomarino and the last parks in Trevalloni. In the Ramitelli Wood there are no roads, so entering and crossing it in the cold season and when it’s raining is challenging.

These areas are not much profitable due to the high presence of sand and the consequent dryness, so they should destined to leisure and tourims activities. The wood, named a Site of Community Importance (92/43/CEE “HABITAT”) and Oasis of Protection, represents a typical habitat of the Mediterranean coastline with important dune areas covered by junipers and a rare hygrophile wood, thanks to the fantine (wet dune depressions) anf the Saccione. Vegetation is featured by plants adapted to a partly-submerged life, species rooted into mud grounds. The visit allows to collect all the particulars of the colors and and fragrances of the local flora: ash, white poplar, Turkey oak, downy oak, mastic, phillyrea, Gallipoli rose, hoary rock-rose, broom, heath, myrtle, rosemary, Marian thistle, tassel hyacinth, Neapolitan garlic, black orchid, Apulian serapias, Ragged-Robins, bladder campion, Coronilla, spring cyclamen.

The area is crossed by one of the great migration trajectories and is populated by grey heron, little egret, hoopoe, great cormorant, great egret as well as oyan, boar, fox and turtle.


Campomarino - Campomarino, SS16, 86042

Site is visitable and accessible
Opening time

Excursions in summer.

Useful links

Video Youtube of the zone