The Mouth of Trigno River Area, of great natural value, is a contact area between fluvial and coastal marine environment. The area, accessible from the Seaside of Montenero di Bisaccia, is important for fauna that concern especially some bird species, in fact, this place is frequented by many birdwatchers, and there are numerous educational and tourist activities organized by organizations, associations, schools, companies and citizens.
The area includes the middle and lower course of Trigno River – comprising the habitats of river banks and valley slopes – and the Seaside of Montenero di Bisaccia. Trigno River has a torrential character with pebbly riverbed and scarce vegetation except in some stretches near the mouth, where there are riparian forests with willows and poplars. It is also important the presence of priority habitat: substrate traits gramineae and Thero-Brachypodietea’s annual plants. The typology of biotope allows the nesting of some species of caradriformi. There is no Mediterranean vegetation but pine forests that have gained a high ecological and landscape value for presence, in the best preserved areas, of an undergrowth with species of scrubs and, thus, with a clear recovery of native vegetation.
The Mouth of Trigno River Area – Seaside of Montenero di Bisaccia is within the boundaries of one of three Sites of Community Importance on Molise Coast. In order to preserve the landscape, flora and fauna of this area, through Lifemaestrale European Project, it was possible to intervene on the causes that threaten the loss of habitats and species of Community interest present in the network of Natura 2000 of Molise Coast.
The aim is to valorize and recover the natural heritage of these areas, promoting good practices between operators and coastal visitors.