Port of Termoli

Environment · Termoli

The port of Termoli welcomes citizens and tourists, both in summer, when tourists embark on Tremiti Islands, and in winter, when the fishing boats bring the fresh fish to Fish Wholesale Market.

The port is located at the foot of a rocky upland on the sea. The port consists of two basins, one exterior and the other interior. The inner basin is enclosed between the south dock, partially paved, the quay and the pier of the north dock. The docks have the following destinations: pleasure boats, fishing boats, passenger ships, shipbuilding and commercial activities. At the southern dock there is also the old lighthouse.

The port of Termoli was the only one in Molise, in recent years is built also the tourist port Marina Sveva which is located in Marina di Montenero, Costa Verde. The port of Termoli has an annual passenger flow of about 240,000 people.

Every year, on 3rd August, it is from the port of Termoli that starts the sea procession of Saint Basso, the Patron Saint of the city. At the end of the same month there is Fish Festival right in the square of the port that on this occasion welcomes thousands of lovers of fish frying, fireworks, music, stalls and outdoor summer evenings.

Walking along Belvedere of Termoli, in via Carlo del Croix, it is possible to admire one of the splendid views of the city that includes the port and tourist port.


Termoli - Via del Porto

Site is visitable and accessible
Opening time

Always open.

Useful links

Official website