Montenero Ravines

Environment · Montenero di Bisaccia

Montenero Ravines, known in the village as blades, are located behind the Sanctuary of Madonna di Bisaccia. The area is characterized by the presence of erosive forms expand over an area of 120,80 hectares, generating a surreal landscape made of deep valleys dominated by thin and jagged crests.

The Montenero Ravines are erosive forms typical of clay soils, created by the action of meteoric waters, which give a characteristic aspect to the territory. The clay and waterproof charter of the soil, together with strong slope, southern exposure, low vegetation, intense and short-lived precipitation, and massive solar radiation in the summer, constitute one of the factors characterizing the area. Given the flora and fauna peculiarities, the area has been identified by the Ministry of the Environment as a site of Community Interest to be valued, safeguarded and developed. In fact, in the calcareous areas, the flora consists mainly of herbaceous plants with dominance of grass family, which form the priority habitat Substrate pathways of grass family and Thero-Brachypodietea annual plants. Over the years, the particular morphology of the area has not escaped extreme sports enthusiasts who in the 70s and 80s have been interested in many motocross enthusiasts, while today it is easy to meet climbers intending to train and passionate about nature walks.

Today, consolidation work is underway because the site is subject to erosion and landslide. These operations also involve the creation of specific routes for visits and the improvement of existing ones.


Montenero di Bisaccia - Località Lame, Montenero di Bisaccia

Site is visitable and accessible
Opening time

Always open.

Useful links

Official website