Adriatica Marmi

Archeology · Campomarino

The structure of Adriatica Marmi is an important symbol of industrial archeology located in Pozzo Comunale, today Contrada Sotto Le Case, on the border with Termoli and on the right bank of Biferno River.

The company was constituted in 1961: the plan was presented as an attachment to an application sent to the Mayor of Campomarino, who was asked to grant a permit for the construction of an industrial building. A few months later, a new project was presented about the construction of a building to be used as office and residential employ. In July 1962, it followed a further project for the implementation of a marble laboratory, refectory and sanitary, subsequently made in the adjacent area of the saw. The company, thus, within a few years after its establishment, realized all the buildings necessary to start the production cycle.

Over the years, it became necessary to enlarge the stable through the construction of a block to merge the previous buildings. The closing wall is made of tuff from Canosa in cement mortar. The foundation ground consists of sandy clay with excellent compression strength. The covered area is of 530 square meters.

In July 1982, during an inspections about industrial waste, it was ordered the closure of the activity. Closure of the firm caused the existing requirements on the treatment of residual waste water. The closure implied also the dismissal of 17 employees and it had negative impact on the economy. For this reason, wastewater recovery works were carried out, but in this way the company solved its problems only temporarily. The activity continued for a few years, on June 6th 1990, a declarative bankruptcy judgment was issued. The company stopped on September 21st 1992 and it was definitively closed on 2006.

Today the structure is abandoned and it is in a bad state of conservation. In the area it is possible to enter by a small road that conduces to the entrance of the site, guarded by an old gate that permit the entry to anyone.


Campomarino - Contrada Sotto Le Case, SS16, 86042 Campomarino Lido

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